Welcome to the NEW Website!
WELCOME to the Club’s new website.
Take a look around! While aesthetically a lot has changed, there a few key points we’d like to make sure you are aware of:
- The top navigation hosts links for quick access to TOPS, News & Updates [the blog], and the Newsette.
- The main menu has a link to the Calendar, where entries will have the details of special events.
- Forms for youth summer activities, swim team & swim lessons will be on their respective pages. [they’re being updated and will be available soon].
- All member privy documents will only be available in the TOPS Owners Portal.
- There is a fun ticker at the top of the site that will highlight special announcements, events and other important info [i.e. annual yard sale, badges are ready, workshop meeting, etc.].
- If you experience any issues or have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected].
The Highland Lakes Website over the years.
February 1999

March 2005

December 2011
