Educational Events Spotlight
The Club works tirelessly year round to protect the health of our lakes. But we are counting on all members to do their part as well, and it starts with self education about the environment we live in, how we can maintain our properties with as little impact to our environment as possible, and what we can do or not do to help minimize any potential negative effects to our lakes. This post will contain information to a variety of in-person and virtual events, including conferences, educational webinars, mobile workshops, and community gatherings that all revolve around topics that will help us to collectively #ProtectOurLakes .
March 22 @ 6pm: Live Q&A with Princeton Hydro Experts
Spring is right around the corner. Now is your chance to get tips and tricks for preparing your garden and setting it up for success! Join our Landscape Architects and Expert Green Thumbs Jamie Feinstein, RLA and Cory Speroff, PLA, CBLP for a live “Ask Anything” conversation via Facebook. Learn about starting plants from seed, choosing the best native perennials, planting edible varieties, and much more.
March 25 and March 27-31, 2023: The Watershed Congress
The Watershed Congress has evolved since 1998 to advance the best available information and techniques for protecting and restoring watersheds. The focus on networking across disciplines means that the Watershed Congress melds science, policy, and practical applications into one program. As a result, the annual Watershed Congress is a highly anticipated event for people interested in understanding, protecting, and restoring their local streams.
More info and registration details here.
March 28: Rain Garden Seminar
The Middletown Township Environmental Advisory Council is excited to host a Rain Garden Seminar featuring guest speaker Dr. Fred Lubnow of Princeton Hydro. The free, 1-hour seminar will be held at the Middletown Municipal Center on March 28 at 6:30pm. The purpose of this seminar is to educate and encourage residents to install rain gardens on their property. Rain gardens are an innovative and cost-effective solution to reducing stormwater runoff. Dr. Lubnow, an expert in rain garden design and installation, will provide insight into how to plan and create a rain garden that will not only help prevent erosion and flooding but also improve water quality and add a beautiful aesthetic to any property.
March 30: Harmful Algal Bloom Virtual Summit
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is pleased to invite you to the 2023 Harmful Algal Bloom Virtual Summit on Thursday, March 30th from 9-2:30 via Microsoft Teams. Please check the Harmful Algal Bloom Summit website for the agenda in the coming days. Should you not be able to attend the live event due to schedule constraints, the entire summit will be recorded and posted online. Please share this registration link with all who are interested.
Get more info and register here.
April 19: 16th Annual New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team Conference
Widely considered the most comprehensive state-wide forum on invasive species and continues to evolve to address new and emerging issue, the conference has typically involved nearly 150 participants and speakers, representing academia, industry, government agencies, NGOs, the general public, and other stakeholders involved in the issues. Many are seeking opportunities for cooperation and collaboration to address invasive species from a state-wide perspective.
Get more info and register here.
April 24 – 28: 13th National Monitoring Conference
The National Water Quality Monitoring Council will host its 13th National Monitoring Conference during the week of April 24–28, 2023, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Monitoring for water quality/quantity and public and ecological health in all water resources will be represented, including lakes and wetlands, rivers and streams, coastal waters and estuaries, and groundwater. All federal, state, tribal and local water professionals, nonprofits, academia, water consultants and industry, and volunteer scientists are welcome at this important national forum. The conference will be offered in a hybrid format primarily in person, including a limited virtual format.
Get more info and register here.
May 5 & 6: The New York State Federation of Lake Associations Annual Conference
We’re hosting our 40th anniversary conference at the Fort William Henry Hotel and Conference Center in Lake George on May 5-6, 2023. This year’s conference is focused on fostering lake management planning and implementation strategies at the local level. Our member lake associations, both large and small, are doing great things. Others can learn and benefit from this experience and need to have a better understanding of the resources available to them.
Get more info and register here.
Check back soon for more events!