Important Reminder Concerning Dues Payments and Owners’ Portal Auto Pay
As a member of the community, you have the convenience of managing your account and payments through the Owners’ Portal. One of the valuable features offered by the Owners’ Portal is the ability to set up Auto Pay. With Auto Pay, you can easily enter your preferred payment method and make automatic payments towards any charges applied to your account.

Understanding Auto Pay Options – To ensure you select the option that best suits your needs, it’s important to understand available Auto Pay options:
Option 1: Pay Current Balance
Choosing Option 1 authorizes the Owners’ Portal to make automatic payments towards any charges applied to your account. For instance, if you’re enrolled in the 12-month payment plan, the system will automatically deduct $117.50 on the 15th of each month. This option considers any credits you may have on your account. For example, if you have a $50 credit and the monthly dues fee of $117.50 is charged, the system will only charge you $67.50 for that cycle.

Option 2: AutoPay Enabled Charge Codes
Option 2 authorizes the Owners’ Portal to make automatic payments only against the specific charges you have enabled. For instance, if you’re enrolled in the 12-month payment plan, the system will automatically deduct $117.50 each month only if you have enabled the correct charge code for assessments. However, unlike Option 1, this option will not consider credits to your account from other charge codes (a Septic Pumping Credit, for example, will not be deducted from an Assessments charge).

Choosing the Right Auto Pay Option
The choice between Option 1 and Option 2 depends on your individual preferences. If you want to ensure all charges are automatically paid, Option 1 is the ideal choice. However, if you prefer to have more control over which charges are paid automatically, Option 2 is a better fit.
And finally, some members who have enabled an AutoPay option also mailed or delivered a payment by check, resulting in a double payment of dues. If you will occasionally pay in-person or by manual check, AutoPay may not be the right choice. Consider using the One-time Payment method instead.
By understanding the AutoPay options and selecting the one that suits your needs, you can streamline your payments and manage your account with ease.